To attend any of the advanced education events, work in the WSBA Apiary, vote in officer elections, or join our members on Facebook, an active annual membership is required. It is only $20 for the entire family. Note: Enrollment in our WSBA Beginning Beekeeping Course includes a one-year membership in WSBA and WASBA.
Annual Membership Dues: $20
Member dues support the Association’s goals of promoting better understanding and appreciation for honeybees and beekeeping, and of helping beekeepers become better at their craft by offering educational programs. Being a paid member of WSBA puts the Association’s library at your disposal, allows the use of the Association’s extractors, gives you access to our beekeeping courses, apiary sessions and monthly meetings. It also puts you in touch with knowledgeable beekeepers who are eager and willing to mentor new members and share their expertise. Dues are $20.00 per calendar year which covers everyone in your family. Dues paid in October, November or December also cover the next calendar year.
To join WSBA and pay your dues online:
Initiate a login in the upper right by clicking "Login," then click on "Sign Up."
Select your Membership pricing plan below.
Join West Sound Beekeeping Assocation
Choose which option you prefer:
- Most Convenient!
1 Year, Auto Renews
20$Every year1 Year Membership, renews annuallyÂ- Membership in WSBA, Renews Every Year
1 Year No Auto Renew
20$Â1 Year, no renewalValid for one year- Membership in WSBA - Manually renew each year.
If you do not wish to pay via the website, you can download and print this form and send it in.
Other Useful forms:
Farmer/Apiarist Sales Tax Form
Additional membership in the Washington State Beekeepers Association is required
for Journeyman or Master level certification.
Washington State Beekeeping Association (WASBA) Membership link