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Mentor List


If you are a new beekeeper, suddenly acquire a colony of honeybees, or are confused by what you are seeing in your hives, you may have a few questions.  Our West Sound Beekeepers Association has some experienced Beekeeper-Volunteers who are willing to answer questions and situations when a newer WSBA member needs a mentor.  They can offer advice, experience, and give direction to assist you.  They will first try to help you via email or over the phone.  If that is not enough, they can try to meet with you and demonstrate in person.  They will, however, expect you to manage the hive while they give direction and guidance.  This is not a replacement for learning through our classes or tutorials.


There is also a wealth of information presented at the WSBA monthly meetings, in hands-on classes in the WSBA Apiary before regular meetings (third Tuesday of each month), and through other educational events.  Additionally, there are volunteer groups meeting in the WSBA apiary -- From May to September on most Saturday mornings-10 AM -- where you can drop in with your questions.



To be connected with a Mentor in your area, please contact our Coordinator, Cindy Reimer at


To join the West Sound Beekeeper Association and have access to our Mentor List, please click the link for the membership form. 




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